Flowjo license academic
Flowjo license academic


Please be aware that if someone is logged into the FlowJo cloud system with lab account shared among multiple people, other people should not log in from other stations such action would interrupt the analysis session on the first machine causing data loss.


If you are a PI and you have a shared lab station that multiple users utilize for their analyses, we advise you to create an account with your email as ID and a common password that can be used by all your staff. Each computer needs FlowJo downloaded and installed and the actual analysis is run locally, not in the cloud the cloud only provides the authentication to run the software.

flowjo license academic

You may log in on up to 4 computers, but only on one station at a time. We will send you an invite to join our license pool.


To obtain FlowJo through our site license, please download the latest version of FlowJo, create a cloud user account using your BU email that will serve as your cloud ID, and send us an e-mail request.

flowjo license academic

Seats on our FlowJo site license are available for BU/BMC users. All cancellations are managed by the core staff and you must reach out to staff to cancel your sorts. The FCS 3.0 data files can be exported and analyzed using other applications such as FlowJo.īD FACSARIA II SORP and MoFlo Astrios are operated exclusively by the FCCF staff at this time.īook MoFlo sorting See sorting protocols and guides Locationīilling policy: Billing policy: Users are billed for the greater of time reserved or actual time used on the instrument.Ĭancellation policy: For cancellations, users must cancel their reservations 24 hours in advance of their scheduled appointment to avoid charges. Signatures with genomic data from scRNASeq and DNA analysis. This instrument also allows sorting into 96, 3 plates to facilitate downstream single cell transcriptional analysis, and employs index sorting to pair the flow cytometry proteomic Our MoFlo Astrios six-way jet-in-air sorter and is equipped with five lasers enabling 27-parameter detection capability including 2 FSC PMT for microparticle resolution. The FCS 3.0 data files can be exported and analyzed using other applications such as FlowJo.īook FACSAria sorting See sorting protocols and guides

flowjo license academic


The acquisition workstation is a PC with BD FACS Diva 8. The ARIA II can sort up to 4 populations simultaneously into tubes of varying sizes, tissue culture plates (using the ACDU apparatus), and onto individual slides. Our BD FACSARIA II SORP is a 5 laser, 18 color cell sorter.


Get trained to use the LSRII See LSRII manuals and guides LocationīU/BMC: Self-operated $66/Assisted $99 per hourĮxternal Academic: Self-operated $110/Assisted $143 per hourĮxternal Commercial: Self-operated $165/Assisted $198 per hourīilling policy: Users are billed for the greater of time reserved or actual time used on the instrument.Ĭancellation policy: Users must cancel their reservations 24 hours in advance of their scheduled appointment to avoid charges. The FCS 3.0 data files can be exported and analyzed using other applications such as FlowJo. The acquisition workstation for this instrument is a PC with BD FACS Diva 6.2.1. Digital acquisition increases sampling rates compared to analog machines.

flowjo license academic

This unit also features a high throughput 96 well autosampler (BD HTS). The lasers in this instrument are “Blue” (488nm), “UV” (355nm), “Red” (633nm), “Yellow-Green” (561nm), and “Violet” (405nm) (see BD LSRII configuration). Our BD LSRII is a five laser, 14 detector analysis flow cytometer capable of measuring 12 colors simultaneously.

Flowjo license academic